
How You Can Prepare to Meet Your BC/Canadian Criminal Defence Lawyer

February 27th, 2021 in Criminal Law FAQs

Your first meeting with a lawyer is an important step in dealing with any kind of legal matter. You need your lawyer, and you will need to have confidence in him or her. You will have to consider what you are looking for in a lawyer and if your lawyer meets your expectations.  During your meeting, ask him or her questions to determine whether he is qualified regarding your specific matter. In case you are preparing to meet your Canadian criminal defence lawyer, this blog will educate you with useful tips.

What the lawyer wants to know

The lawyer wants to know who you are, a bit of private information, your situation, and contact information. It is important to disclose everything to the lawyer that is related to your case. You must provide complete information about your legal issue. And you need to be completely honest. Your lawyer needs a complete picture of what is happening including any information or evidence that supports your side.

Things that you would want

It is good to write down the questions you want to ask the lawyer. You should ask your lawyer about the weaknesses and strengths of your case. Ask your lawyer what you should do and not do. You need to understand these things clearly.

Here are some possibilities that you may encounter.

-Litigation: This means that you or the other party has started an action in court.

-Negotiation: This is the discussion between the parties about how to resolve the case.

-Mediation: This is a process where a neutral individual tries to assist the disputing parties to reach an agreement.

-Arbitration: The parties present the cases to the arbitrator, and she or he makes a decision they must follow.

What your lawyer expects from you

Always be honest when discussing your case to your lawyer. Your attorney wants to develop a professional and respectful relationship with you. Your total honesty is necessary for your lawyer to do the best job representing you in any action.

Michael Bloom is a very experienced criminal defence lawyer, who started his career as a Crown Prosecutor.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to schedule a free consultation with Mr. Bloom, please call his office at (604) 603-5513 or Toll-Free at (877) 603-5513.

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