Archive:  2021

For many, December is the month to enjoy the holidays and go to lots of parties with friends, family, and co-workers. Often alcoholic beverages are served at these holiday festivities. Here are four things to know about impaired driving in British Columbia this season.
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Drug trafficking is a serious charge defined by federal law. Intent to sell or distribute is the important part that prosecutors look for. Also, different types drugs are classified differently, and charges and penalties vary with the type of drug.
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There are many things that affect sentencing in British Columbia’s criminal court system. Judges have to base their sentencing decisions on guidelines set forth by the BC Criminal Code, statutory minimums and maximums and, also limitations set by Parliament and Supreme Court decisions.
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In Canada, if you are charged with a criminal offence, the crown counsel decides the type and category of offence that applies to you. There are three main categories of offences, and they each spell a slightly different court process and have different penalties.
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There are many factors that influence the penalty for drug possession. Here, below, we are going to discuss some of the most common factors.
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If you are arrested and charged with a criminal offence, you have three choices. You can hire your own private criminal defence lawyer, you can have a lawyer assigned to you if you cannot afford to hire a private lawyer, or you can represent yourself.
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Violent Crime on the Lower Mainland
June 29th, 2021 in Violent Crimes
Whenever you examine crime statistics, you have to keep in mind that it takes time to put statistics together. What is published usually lags somewhat behind real time. We have access to the statistics for the violent crime rate in Vancouver for 2020, but not yet for 2021.
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NCR stands for “not criminally responsible.” An NCR is a rarely used defence, one that is difficult to prove in court, and is unlikely to result in an accused walking away “Scott-free.” An NCR defence is what is known in lay language as an insanity defence.
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In Canada, Criminal Record Suspension is the term for what used to be called a pardon. Many people still use the term “pardon” which has become ubiquitous.
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When the police keep someone in custody, they must take you before a judge as soon as possible for a bail hearing. The suspect may be required to appear in person or by telephone. In some situations in British Columbia, the bail hearing may be delayed for a few days. In the hearing of the case, the judge decides if the suspect should be kept in custody until trial. The judge keeps someone in custody if the following is necessary. These include
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Your first meeting with a lawyer is an important step in dealing with any kind of legal matter. You need your lawyer, and you will need to have confidence in him or her. You will have to consider what you are looking for in a lawyer and if your lawyer meets your expectations.
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When you are dealing with the police, it is important to know your rights as a Canadian. This blog article will explain to you about the legality of property searches in Canada.
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